Tutorial series - Episode 2
Edge length optimization might be the most powerful and versatile of all EvoluteTools PRO features.
It enables a level of control never achieved in commercial software before. Optimize all the edges of your mesh to a single target value, or define groups of edges with different lengths, according to your constraints.
Some of the possibilities offered by the EvoluteTools PRO edge length optimization are explored in our new tutorial. Expect more about this topic, as its applications are endless!
As a reminder, ere is the list of the topics our tutorial series currently covers:
- Planarity optimization - AVAILABLE
- Edge length optimization AVAILABLE NOW!
- Co-planarity
- Closeness optimization to curves
- Creating meshes from curves
- ...
Follow the youtube channel or visit our website to access the new videos as well as our previous tutorials.
First Evolute workshop in February 2017
Our poll regarding upcoming Evolute workshops is still open, take two minutes to answer it and win a workshop discount!
We already got very positive feedback, and we are planning our first workshop in February at the Evolute Vienna offices. Stay tuned, we will soon send more information about it!
Keep your EvoluteTools student license forever
Students are among the most active and enthusiastic users of EvoluteTools. We are grateful for your support and motivation! This is why we decided to extend all EvoluteTools student licenses (including existing ones) indefinitely. You can now keep using EvoluteTools after graduating, for personal or professional use.
Take a look at our software suite and enjoy the student discounts, now forever:
Request a free trial
If you don't have the PRO version yet, drop us a message and get a trial version to follow along with us throughout the whole tutorial series.
Have fun!