EvoluteTools D.LOFT

Single curved surfaces, also known as developable surfaces, are extremely important to modeling in various fields like marine design, architecture, product design, and art works. They help reduce manufacturing costs and tooling, yet no other software allowed designers to use them in a straightforward way with a high degree of precision and control. Things changed! EvoluteTools D.LOFT enables users to create developable surfaces between arbitrary 3d curves with a push of a button, hassle free. An add-on for grasshopper is included.

"For many years we've been creating developable surfaces ourselves, just because there was no plug-in available which fulfilled our needs. After trying EvoluteTools D.LOFT we were happily surprised. With EvoluteTools D.LOFT it's possible to easily create developable surfaces within controlled tolerances. This is the first developable surface plug-in which does what it promises."

Jan-Marten Rottiné, owner Waterline-Design & Marlon Weijers, owner Triple-Marine.

"I slept better at night knowing that all of the plate surfaces I had lofted with D.LOFT fit like a glove. Before D.LOFT, it was hit or miss as to how accurate my surface unfolding was and some parts fit and some didn’t. Thank you for making my job much easier and opening the door to the potential projects that we can now provide as a direct result to D.LOFT."

Mark Hubrich, Engineering Manager, IT, BIM Waukegan Steel, LLC .


Typical input and output

Any pair of 3d curves or any quad mesh can be used as an input. The output is a developable NURBS surface or mesh strip.
Example results and a comparison to Rhino's built-in developable loft can be seen in the downloadable file on the right.
Download ship hull examples


Try EvoluteTools D.LOFT

Short-term evaluation licenses are available.

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Licensing and support

EvoluteTools D.LOFT is delivered as a node locked (one workstation) or floating perpetual license. Maintenance releases, including bug fixes and stability improvements are free of charge. An attractive Lab Kit with up to 30 seats is available for Educational Institutions on request, as well as educational single-user licenses. Product support is available via our forum. In order to purchase a lab pack or an educational single user license, please contact us with your proof of credentials and we will send out a customized purchase link to our webshop.

EvoluteTools D.LOFT - commercial node-locked, for Rhino 7/8 EUR 360*
EvoluteTools D.LOFT - commercial floating, for Rhino 7/8 EUR 720*
EvoluteTools D.LOFT + PRO Bundle - commercial node-locked EUR 855*
EvoluteTools D.LOFT - educational lab kit, 30 seats, for Rhino 7/8, Contact us EUR 690*
EvoluteTools D.LOFT - educational single-user, for Rhino 7/8, Contact us EUR 150*

*price not including any tax that might apply, e.g. VAT or sales tax

Versions for Rhino 5 and 6 are available on request.


Tutorials and video examples

For more tutorials and examples visit the Learning Center



Showcase projects

Details on the projects making use of this optimization technology can be found following the links below.

Bulbous bow Eiffel Pavilions Chaoyang Park Plaza

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