
EvoluteTools FIT

Due to the complex individual moulding or machining process required for every panel, smooth doubly curved freeform envelopes can only be produced at prohibitive costs, irrespective of material choice. A way to significantly reduce these costs is by approximating the skin's constituent panels with simpler surfaces, like cylinders, cones, etc. This process helps keeping the fabrication costs down and shortens lead time while still delivering a facade with smooth appearance. Sounds easy, but this is far from a simple task, more often being just a dream. Our extensive research, development, and practical experience enable us to offer the highest quality panel fitting technology using cylinders, cones, single-curved surfaces, and numerous further types.

Typical input and output

Arbitrarily curved NURBS patches, meshes, point clouds, curves, or a collection of such geometric objects can be used as input, while the output are best-fit simplified panel surfaces. Supported types include but are not limited to cylinders, cones, general cylinders, generally single-curved surfaces, translational surfaces, ruled surfaces, polynomial surfaces, or a collection of such best-fit surfaces. Extensive options are available.

Try EvoluteTools FIT

Contact us now with your requirements, and together we will work out the best solution for your needs. Short-term evaluation licenses are available.

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Showcase projects

Details on the projects making use of this fitting technology can be found following the links below.

QNCC Undisclosed Arena Corinthians CCV Eiffel Pavilions Chaoyang Park

Tutorial video


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