EvoluteTools T.MAP
EvoluteTools T.MAP is a plugin providing mesh parameterization for Rhino. These are the benefits T.MAP provides to you:
- re-meshing using pure quad or pure triangle meshes
- texture mapping of quadrangular or triangular patterns with minimum distortion
- design of smooth curve networks on freeform surfaces
- user-guided alignment with curves or principal curvature directions
Read more about the latest update to T.MAP on our blog, or watch the tutorials below.
Try EvoluteTools T.MAP
Short-term evaluation licenses are available.
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We rely on your feedback, feature requests, bug reports, and questions in our forum to make T.MAP a great, stable and useful product - so don't hold back with your thoughts.
Licensing and support
EvoluteTools T.MAP is delivered as a node locked (one workstation) or floating perpetual license. Maintenance releases, including bug fixes and stability improvements are free of charge. An attractive Lab Kit with up to 30 seats is available for Educational Institutions on request, as well as educational single-user licenses. Product support is available via our forum. In order to purchase a lab pack or an educational single user license, please contact us with your proof of credentials and we will send out a customized purchase link to our webshop.
EvoluteTools T.MAP - commercial node-locked, for Rhino 7/8 | EUR 390* |
EvoluteTools T.MAP - commercial floating, for Rhino 7/8 | EUR 780* |
EvoluteTools T.MAP + PRO Bundle - commercial node-locked | EUR 882* |
EvoluteTools T.MAP - educational lab kit, 30 seats, for Rhino 7/8, Contact us | EUR 690* |
EvoluteTools T.MAP - educational single-user, for Rhino 7/8, Contact us | EUR 150* |
*price not including any tax that might apply, e.g. VAT or sales tax
Versions for Rhino 5 and 6 are available on request.
Input triangle mesh | Quadrangular texture pattern computed using EvoluteTools T.MAP | Triangular texture pattern computed using EvoluteTools T.MAP |
This example can be downloaded. We can also recommend to use these publicly available benchmark models for test purposes (obj files, 500mb).